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4 SINCLAIR NEWS 4 ISSUE #3 SEP 93 3 EDITOR: DARREN RANDLE 3 93 NEON PUBLISHING 3 BY D MORRIS. MUSIC B 3 CODE,MASTERING AND PACKI 2 |<l<f8<c8|> 2 Yes, he's back from holiday!Ladies and Gentlemen, may Iintroduce Mr Ian Mortlock! 2 NEWS3.3 2 & Yes it's me again with anotherinstallment of the Rave Corner! 2 ! In this months corner I shall bereviewing the "Crazy Acid Sh*tEP" by Return of the LivingAcid. I shall also be taking alook at the recent boom in ravemusic videos and will bereviewing "Dance in Cyberspace"by Dr Devious. 2 ---ooo--- 2 -*THE RAVE CORNER*- 1 ~<f0`<>><< 1 h{-+-t+r-t+ 1 `f|<l>|<<<$ 1 `ff~`<f>`~ 1 `8f8|>f<8> 1 SONG BY ST COMPILEG 1 SINCLAIR NEWS ISSUE #3 SEP 93 1 L Crazy Acid Sh*t EP 1 A its funny bitsand it did have a story, but I'msorry, this film failed to hitthe mark with me. The funniestbit was where Steve said "Don'tforget to secure your condom!".Ideal family viewing. AlthoughMum's would probably enjoy this film more. 1 >f<0f<`<f|0><<c<f0 1 <|<||<l8|>|< 1 < ***WARNING*** 1 : DODGY COPIES: 1 9 Each program: 25p. 1 8 Well, sadly my time is up. Nextmonth: The usual mix of reviewsand news. See you then! 1 7 Also any comments, letters andcheats etc can be sent in to: 1 4 'Dance in Cyberspace' is notonly one of the first ravevideos to come out, but offersthe best, rave musicallyspeaking, of both worlds, thereare some absolutley mentalhardcore sections and to balenceif off, there are somewonderfully trancey bits. Thegraphics go extremely well withthe music, there are strobetunnels etc for the hardcoreand nice fractal bits and colourwobbly bits for the ambientparts - the price of this videois around the `10.99 mark andwell worth it. 1 2 But before I start any of theabove I would like to start witha few hi's to the following:Darren 'Anyone seen my jeep?'Parrish, DJ Dan-e Dee, Nikki,Craig-e-boy (I hope you arestill giving me a lift toFantazia!), Simon "I'll neverdrink again" Wathall and anyoneelse who knows me. 1 2 But before I start any of theabove I would like to start witha few hi's to the following:Darren 'Anyone seen my jeep?'<ff<ff< 1 1 Video Tripping 1 1 SPECIAL OFFER PACK: 1 / This record is just your basicnutty acid track with 3 mixes (Ibrought this on a white label soI do not have the names of themixes but I prefer A1 and AA1(partley because A2 has"Sh*t" beeped out and AA2 doesnot have any lyrics at all.))This record has a good shockrating,especially if your mum isvery catholic (as mine is) &basically, if you don't likeacid you will not like thisrecord - if you do then I adviseyou go out and find a recordshop that has it (hint:Woolworths, Menzies or Our Priceetc are not likely to stockthis particular record!). 1 / ()()()()()()()() 1 . The first demo from Thrash soft.This is your basic 128k musicdemo. The music comes from thevery talented AGENT-X, and as usual all the tracks are veryenjoyable. AGENT-X produces someof the best music on theSpectrum, so if you enjoy music,you will enjoy this. 1 . And now - may it pour down withrain on Alex Kinch & Take That Fans. (Get on with it! Ed.) 1 - Back Issues: 1 - *Address in advert section* 1 , Well, thats just about all the time for this month. Next issuewill be full of the usual stuffand will contain another FREEgame. As usual, I am alwaysinterested in your comments.Please do drop me a line. Untilnext month, take care. 1 , There is no need to send anextra tape or S.A.E if orderingmore than one issue. 1 , Available: 1st October 1993. 50p + Tape/+3 disc and S.A.E. Please state Issue 4. Thanks. 1 , Ah, a PD game! This one iswritten in BASIC but proves tobe very playable. The idea ofthe game is to move your manaround a maze filling all thegaps up with bricks. You mustbrick up the maze withoutbricking yourself into a corner.Like I said, game concept isVERY simple, but very enjoyable.Graphics are clear and the mazesare well thought out. The gameis very easy to get into andyoung children will probablyenjoy playing at as well. Theusual options are there, such asre-define keys, demo mode etc.There are loads of levels and abonus stage. The whole thing isgreat fun and worth adding toyour collection. Overall: 80% 1 + REVIEW: UP THE WALL. 1 + If you walk into HMV of OurPrice you can now choose fromquite a selection of ravevideos- ranging from tracy chillout sections to stompinghardcore nutters - all come withamazing computer 1 + I know that this does not reallyclass as rave, but I do like abit of Ac 1 * Next month I'll be looking atsome cult horror films.Including: Rocky Horror & TheRe-Animator 1+2. See you then. 1 * ISSUE 1: PRICE- 20p. 1 * Bye! Darren Randle. Editor. 1 ) Note: C60/C90 tapes are requiredfor 4 or more programs. 1 ) As with all rave videos, Dancein Cyberspace does containstrobe light effects and anyonewho suffers from epilepsy shouldview with caution. 1 & We also want to hear from you ifyou publish software or afanzine and wish to have itreviewed. 1 & O.K - if you hate rave music -and you need converting or ifyou like rave music but findshop prices a little too high,or you are fed up with all therubbish that record companiestry to pass for Rave - thenlisten up - Rave PD has anextensive range of rave tapespriced at `4 each - these aretop quality tapes recorded atraves from around the country.Top names include The Rat Pack,Ellis Dee, Mickey Finn andothers. Send a stamped SAE fora copy of our free catalogue and`10 worth of vouchers. 1 & 6 PD programs featuring demos,games and utilitys. Only 50p. 1 % Will the Spectrum still be remembered in 50 years time? 1 # SINCLAIR NEWS. 1 # REVIEW: AY-3 DEMO. 1 # Key- *:DEMO. +:GAME. 1 graphics,which you feel were not producedon a speccy. 1 Thought of the month: 1 See you next month - nice one! Ian... 1 SINCLAIR NEWS PD, 1 Return of the Living Acid 1 Rating: 6/10. Cert PG. 1 Public Sector. 1 PRISM PD, 1 Overall: 80% 1 ISSUE 2: PRICE- 20p. 1 GRAVESEND. 1 DA12 5SH. 1 BY D MORRIS. MUSIC BY ZUITEK 1 Any 8 programs: `1.50. 1 And Finally: 1 All 12 programs: `2.00. 1 ALCHEMIST PD, 1 =Yes, here it is. To be honest, Ialmost forgot this section. But,fear not, here it is. 1 166 VALLEY DRIVE. 1 0012 GRAFIX BANK 2. * 1 0011 EL-LOCO. * 1 People who order PDsoftware will know that thequality of the recordings isalways good. GOOD PD librarysuse a tape/disc copier and NOTtheir Hi-Fi. Good quality tapescan be obtained via: 1 I recived a new batch ofdemos from 'TRIAD DEVELOPMENTS'this month. This is a new democrew. There were 6 demos on thetape, Train Spottin' and NSD1-5. There is nothing new inthese demos, although they arequite enjoyable. To be honest, Idon't think young childrenshould view them, due to thecontent of the scrolls. I.E,packed with swearing. Other thanthat little problem, theprograms are enjoyable. Fullreviews of these programs nextmonth. 1 Don't forget, you can place aFREE advert for anything inSinclair News. Simply write outthe details and send it to us. PLEASE NOTE: You must put yoursignature on your adverts. 1 CODE,MASTERING AND PACKING 1 (C) 1993 NEON PUBLISHING 1 EDITOR: DARREN RANDLE